Do you like hills? — Are you eager to run up one and then the next? Or do you loathe the thought of yet another hill? — Personally, I’ve never met a hill that I didn’t like. Without fail I always get a big smile, laugh out loud, and mutter, “Here we go, ha!” — For training/everyday runs: I run the hills and a bit over the top, and then keep going if I can. I’ll have to try and find the podcast but it told me that this is a great way to build endurance and a low chance of injury. They even went so far as saying to walk the flats and downhills to recover, just always run the hills. — For races: I still hike/run the hills accordingly depending on a variety of factors: height/distance of hill, distance of race, conditioning (don’t sell yourself short but be honest and realistic), etc. — Technique wise: This will vary. For myself I keep a relatively high cadence but shorter stride. I also zig zag my way up a hill (and down). Doing this going up it makes it easier and I can run faster while expelling less energy. Downhill it helps control my speed and maintain form. — #trailrunners #trailrunninglife #ultrarunner #plantbasedrunner #plantbasedathlete #veganultrarunner #plantpoweredathlete #plantpoweredultrarunner #runadventures #hillrun #hillrunning #runupthathill #vegan #trailrunning #running #hillclimb #plantpowered #pushyourself #pushyourlimits #hilltraining #searchforvert #lovehills #hillrepeats #ultrarunning #plantbasedultrarunner #endurancetraining #puffingbilly #belgravevic #belgravevictoria #dandenongranges