What do you use to blow your nose? — Tissues? TP? Paper towel? Your sleeve? (Ha!) — We stopped buying boxes of tissues a long time ago. However, I still used paper towel or TP. We use cloth nappies and cloth wipes (the wipes are simply cut up old shirts) for our daughter. So my wife would say, “Use a wipe.” Which I did but in the long term couldn’t keep wiping my nose with a wipe, even though it has been washed, that had been used as a bum wipe. — So... — I was going through old shirts the other day and had a pile set aside ready to be donated. — I then had a “d’uh” moment today. — I grabbed a shirt from the donation pile, a pair of scissors, grabbed a piece of paper towel the size of what I’d normally use (I put it back for future use), and got to cutting up the shirt for new nose wipes using my template. — Now I have a stash of nose wipes, separate from the bum wipes, that I can wash with my normal laundry. 👍🏻😊 — #recyclereducereuse #environmentalism #environmentalist #veganultrarunner #plantbasedultrarunner #repurpose #repurposedclothing #blowyournose #savetheplanet #thinkoutsidethebox #plantbasedathlete #veganrunner #veganrunners #vegan #minimalism #minimalist #plantpoweredathlete #plantpowered #reuse #recycle #donations #donate #savetheenvironment #lowwaste #lesswaste #lessismore #reducereuserecycle #reducewaste
Brent Beckham